The Importance of Regular Dental Check Ups


Why Do I Need to Get My Teeth Checked Regularly?

You may have thought that if you take great care of your teeth, there’s no need to go to the dentist for a check up. However, even if you do have an impeccable dental hygiene routine, it is very important that you don’t skip these appointments. Dental check ups serve as preventative measures against potential dental issues, and your dentist may even catch a problem you aren’t aware of during it. Most insurance plans cover general dentistry check ups as well, so you may not have to pay out of pocket, unless you get additional work done during your appointment. 

It is recommended that everyone has a dental check up at least every 6 to 12 months. These regular dental check ups usually don’t take long and are essential to keep your teeth, gums, and mouth healthy in the long term. Your routine dental check ups could end up saving you lots of money on future dental problems that could otherwise be prevented. Having regular dental check ups is like investing in your smile!

Dental check ups are usually fairly simple, but the benefits are boundless. At Coppell Family Dentistry in Coppell TX, we strive to provide residents with the educational resources they need to understand common dental procedures. Keep reading to discover the true importance of regular dental check ups.

What to Expect at Your Dental Check Up with Coppell Family Dentistry

The first thing that is done at a dental check up is a thorough cleaning. It always feels good to have completely clean teeth, so that is one of the many benefits of your check up! While regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash can help you maintain good oral health, a professional dental cleaning is necessary at least once or twice a year to maintain the best dental health possible.

woman smiling with mouth open while getting teeth cleaned

For your cleaning, the dental hygienist, or a certified dental assistant, will use various advanced cleaning tools that will effectively clean your whole mouth, including areas of your mouth that are difficult to clean at home. First, the hygienist will scrape off any hardened plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth with a small hand-held tool made of soft steel called a scaler. Because it is made of soft steel, the scraping will not damage your tooth enamel or damage your gum tissue. Each side of the dental scaler has a different tool that is designed to effectively clean specific areas. On one end is a pointed tool designed to clean above the gum line, and on the other end is a dull and curved tool designed to clean below the gumline without injuring the gum tissue.

Once all the plaque and tartar is removed, it’s time to polish your pearly whites. Most polishers are a slow drill with a small rubber cup or a brush attachment on the end of it. First the cup is dipped in some dental polishing paste, which is a coarse paste composed of various abrasive agents to effectively clean and smooth the surfaces of your teeth. The benefits of teeth polishing expand past smoothing your teeth and making them appear cleaner. It also helps to keep plaque from building up on your teeth. In addition, polishing decreases the amount of bacteria in your mouth, helping you keep your teeth safe from tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. Following teeth polishing, your dentist may give you a mouth rinse to swish around for a few minutes.

After your dental cleaning is complete, your hygienist will report any findings to the dentist and take x-rays if necessary. X-rays help us to diagnose and identify any additional problems with your teeth and jaws. Then, the dentist will come in and perform the final dental examination. During this final exam, the dentist will examine your teeth, gums, soft palette, throat, and neck, checking for any abnormalities. They will also review any x-rays taken, and finally, they will recommend any additional dental work you may need done in order to maintain your oral health.

 The Benefits of Routine Dental Check Ups

Even if you meticulously clean your teeth every day, everyone can benefit from routine dental cleaning and check ups. For one thing, the dentists at Coppell Family Dentistry are equipped with professional tools and equipment to provide you with comprehensive dental care that cleans more thoroughly than at home dental care. 

woman smiling at dentist while dentist holds dental tools up to her smile

Also, some dental issues are difficult to identify without the advanced tools dentists have at their disposal. For example, it is hard to see the back sides of your teeth, but dentists have specialized angled mirrors that can allow them to easily see those hidden places in your mouth. It is also difficult to completely prevent and remove all plaque and tartar buildup at home with only a toothbrush, floss, and mouth rinse. Going to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned at least once or twice a year will help you maintain a truly clean and healthy mouth.

Some dental procedures can be costly, even with insurance coverage. Most dental issues that require expensive treatments can be prevented with routine dental check ups and cleanings. For example, a buildup of tartar can cause cavities, tooth decay, and eventually gum disease. By keeping up with your dental appointments, you can catch problems in the early stages when they can either be reversed or treated without dropping a ton of money.

 Why Choose Coppell Family Dentistry

Dr. Holovnia and our team of professional and friendly dental hygienists are ready to provide all Coppell residents with the best dental care at an affordable price! If you feel nervous or anxious about going to the dentist, our friendly staff will help you put your mind at ease so you can keep your smile healthy and beautiful!  Feel free to contact us at (972) 462-9000 with any additional questions. We look forward to helping you get the smile you deserve! 

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