Common Dental Emergencies & How to Handle Them


Coppell Family Dentistry's Guide to Dental Emergencies

Coppell Family Dentistry Coppell TX dentist dental emergencies guide.jpg

Unfortunately, you may find yourself in a dental predicament at some point in your life, and it can be painful and inconvenient. It is very important to get immediate treatment from a professional dentist in Coppell TX such as Dr. Andrew Holovnia at Coppell Family Dentistry whenever you are having a dental emergency, in order to prevent more serious problems.

How to Deal with Common Dental Emergencies

There are several dental issues that call for emergency attention, including a missing or loose tooth, a chipped tooth, and a severe toothache. The American Dental Association recommends you see a dentist as soon as possible in these emergency situations.


Missing Tooth

When a tooth is knocked out, our dentist in Coppell TX can help you put it back into place. First, locate the tooth as soon as you lose it and pick it up carefully without touching the root. Rinse it gently in water to remove any dirt - don't use soap and don't scrub or dry the tooth. The tooth must be kept moist. One way to do this is to place it in milk until you can get to your dentist. It is ideal to re-implant the tooth within an hour of the incident. In severe cases, a root canal may be necessary to fully re-implant your tooth.

Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth can happen as a result of an injury, or even something simple like trying to use your teeth to open a package, which you should never do! If you chip your tooth, make an appointment with our dentist in Coppell TX as soon as possible. There are multiple ways to correct a chipped tooth, such as using bonding or veneers, depending on the severity of the chip. Our dentist will help you make the best decision for your situation. A chipped tooth is usually easily fixed, and your smile will be back to normal in no time.


Loose Tooth

A loose adult tooth can be caused by an injury to the face or jaw, or it could be a sign of an underlying issue, such as gum disease. Gum disease is a bacterial infection caused by poor dental hygiene. To prevent gum disease, make sure you floss at least once a day in addition to brushing morning and night. If you have a loose tooth as a result of an injury, our dentist in Coppell TX will check for any bone, tissue, and nerve damage that could accompany the loose tooth. Sometimes, a tooth will tighten back on its own, but a splint may need to be placed on your tooth to hold it in place.

Severe Toothache

If you've ever had a toothache, you know how painful it can be. There are several causes of a toothache, including tooth decay, cavities, and repetitive teeth grinding or clenching. When people grind and clench their teeth, the teeth surfaces wear down over time, making your teeth more susceptible to damages and pain. Medications and cold compresses can help alleviate the pain of your toothache, but tackling the cause of the pain is the best course of treatment. Make an appointment with our dentist in Coppell TX as soon as possible.

How to Prevent Future Dental Emergencies with Coppell Family Dentistry

Oftentimes, dental emergencies arise unexpectedly, but there are plenty of ways to decrease the chances of them happening to you. Some of these preventative measures include:

  • Maintaining good oral health

  • Wearing a mouthguard when participating in dangerous sports

  • Only using your teeth for chewing food

  • Wearing a nightguard if you grind your teeth while you sleep

  • Limiting your intake of sugary or acidic food and drinks

  • Going to the dentist for a professional cleaning twice a year

Prevention is the best policy when it comes to dental health. However, in the event that you have a dental emergency, it is important to see a professional dentist in Coppell TX such as Dr. Holovnia at Coppell Family Dentistry as soon as possible. Our dentist will determine the best course of action to successfully handle your dental emergency quickly and effectively. 

We strive to provide the highest quality dental services for people living in Coppell TX, Fort Worth TX, and Dallas TX. When you’re having a dental crisis, don’t stress! Give us a call at (972) 462-9000, and we will take care of you!

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