Sweet Tooth -Cupcake Cravings

Sugary foods and drinks are everyday temptations to which we all succumb from time to time. They can start a war in your mouth because once sugar is converted to acid in your mouth, it begins to erode your protecting enamel.

Don't worry if you have a sweet craving for your favorite cupcake. Protecting your teeth does not entitle you to a sugar-free existence. Let’s look at some simple tips for caring for your teeth and preventing cavities after snacking.

cupcakes cavities

Tips for Preventing Cavities Caused by Cupcakes

When nibbling, exercise control by eating sweets sparingly. Instead of snacking throughout the day, eat them with meals. This reduces the amount of sugar that comes into touch with your teeth. When it comes to hydration, use common sense. Resist the urge to drink sugary sodas between meals; the acid can quickly create plaque.

Keep it simple with unsweetened tea and milk, and the best is water. These have a low acidic pH. After eating, wait about 30 minutes before brushing. Eating softens enamel, so brushing too soon could cause damage if you can swish your mouth with tap water while you wait.

mouth safe

More Tips for Keeping Your Mouth Safe

Purchase a tiny travel-sized bottle of floss, toothbrush, and mouthwash. Keep it at your desk or in your car. According to studies, if it's already set up at work or in your vehicle, you're twice as likely to use it. 

If you eat a lot of sweets, replace your toothbrush often. You are more likely than the usual individual to have plaque buildup. Invest in a good electric toothbrush with special heads designed to reach bacteria-infested nooks and crannies for the best results.

Even if you don’t enjoy sweets, it is always recommended to have your teeth cleaned every 90 days.

sugar free

Find Sugar-Free Substitutes

Sweeteners have made many sugar-free items taste nearly identical to the sugared products on which they are based, allowing you to enjoy a sweet delight without the hazards of natural sugar. Chewing sugar-free gum, for example, is an excellent method to satisfy a sugar appetite without harming your teeth.

Keep Hydrated

If you desire sugar, it could be because you're dehydrated. A tall, refreshing drink of water can help you resist temptation. It's also one of the healthiest drinks for your body and teeth, especially when compared to sports and energy drinks.

Consume in Moderation

Going cold turkey may seem unthinkable to some people. And even if you fully avoid sugar, there's still the possibility that you'll relapse and binge. That's why it's OK to indulge in a cupcake or a donut every now and then—and don't worry. It won't ruin your teeth. It is the excess sugar that is hazardous to your dental health, not the fact that it is consumed at all. But keep in mind that you should only eat sweets in moderation!

When it comes to your oral health, it's always a good idea to do everything you can to keep it in good shape. After all, we only get one set of teeth, so making better nutritional choices today will help you maintain a healthy, attractive smile that you can enjoy for the rest of your life. for more information call the local dentist in Coppell, TX now!


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